Here Be Dragons is Puddleby's Mapping Guild. Over the decades, exiles have explored the furthest reaches of Puddleby Island, its Ancient ruins, the Lok'Groton archipelago, and even other planes of existence. These expeditions brought us riches, not only in the form of relics and knowledge, but also in the maps we created to codify the world we know. Salandra founded Here Be Dragons to call together those whose goal was stockpiling the knowledge of the world and sharing of that knowledge to our community.
While this vision has not lessened, it has expanded somewhat. First, these scrolls will be used as an archive for maps that have been made throughout the years. This preservation of maps, while not Here Be Dragons’ original intent, is a perfect extension of the goal to bring together the knowledge of our world. Secondly, the ranks of the association will expand to include those who, while not mappers themselves, have contributed to the project of mapping in some significant manner.
In the following scrolls you’ll find the culmination of the knowledge and efforts of the mappers of Puddleby.
Note: Maps, by their very nature, contain some amount of spoilers. Other than showing a general respect for the ability of others to make their own discoveries, the maps contained here do not prescribe to any strict standard for spoilers. View at your own discretion.